Efficient. Transparent. Future-Proof.

effortless rate data management

Automated data fetching from mulitple sources
Contracted rates, special rates, and spot rates all in one view
Includes base rates, surcharges, and ancillary cost

Challenge: Rate data is not standardised and stored all over the place


Rate data is scattered and difficult to access


Rates and surcharges are not harmonized across carriers

One fully centralised database for all your rates and surcharges

  • Fully automated extraction of rates & surcharges
  • Includes contracted rates, special rates for named accounts and spot rates - tailored to your needs
  • One source of thruth for the entire organization
  • All rates & surcharges are always up to date

Standardized and harmonized data formats

  • Uniform standardized format for rates from all sources
  • A globally harmonized data set for pre- and on -carriage rates that accounts for local specificities
  • Combined rates for all modes of transport

Easy integration with TMS or other systems

  • Modern API access for real-time data transfers
  • Integrate rate and surcharge data into your accrual or accounting processes
  • Rate validity periods are integrated for additional quality assurance

Don't take our word for it.

The stats are in our favour. Rouvia helps freight forwarders improve key metrics across the organization!

Reduced errors due to thorough quality checks*


Reduced manual tasks to transfer or check data *


Correct accruals in your TMS through our API

*average from 30+ customer base

Upgrade to the future of freight management now.

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