We Harness The Power Of Rate Data To Drive Optimized Freight Decisions

Buy cheaper, Quote smarter, Control better

We empower employees to consistently make better decisions through full rate data transparency.
Rouvia harmonises all your contracted rates for pre- and on-carriage transports, turning abstract data into actionable insights to drive optimised dispatching, selling, and cost-controlling decisions.


Rate Data Transparency

Decreased transport cost

Empower dispatchers to consistently identify the cheapest pre- and on- carriage transport through effortless comparability of buying rates. rouvia calculates true buying rates for every available transport option to fuel buying decisions with data.
Employee Productivity

Increased employee productivity

Rouvia provides a smarter way for forwarders to connect pre- and on-carriage rates to your TMS. our rate management solution retrieves all carrier rates  automatically, simplifies communication, and increases the time to decision for buying & selling teams.
Improved Sales Conversion

Increased Quote - Win ratio

Quote more competitively than your competition by syncing selling rate decisions with the cheapest buying rates available in your network. Sales teams benefit from global access to local internal selling rates, as defined by local buying teams.
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future-proof freight decisions with rouvia

Transform your rate data into actionable insights. Optimise your buying and selling decisions. Grow your business faster.
Rate Data Transparency
100% transparency of rate data
Maximize efficiency and transparency by consolidating all your contracted rates in one unified database. rouvia seamlessly manages your rate data for road, rail, and barge carriers, including local surcharges and ancillary costs.
Automated data management
Eliminate the hassle of manual rate data insertion. With rouvia, our automated system handles it all for you, ensuring accuracy and saving you valuable time.
Rouvia consolidates contracted rates, special rates for named accounts, or spot rates, offering flexibility and completeness.
Move to data-driven buying decisions
rouvia provides dispatchers and procurement teams with full cost transparency for all transport options matching order requirements. Easily and quickly identify the cheapest pre- and on-carriage transport options.
rouvia calculates the all-in cost for every transport option, including base rates, relevant surcharges and empty container pick/drop fees.
Time to procurement decision in less than 3 seconds through complete data transparency and cost comparison.
Increase conversions through data insights
Offer lower rates to your customers, while ensuring that your profit is not impacted. With rouvia, we synchronise customer quotes with cost-optimized procurement data to drive conversion optimisation at stable margins.
We simplify quotation processes through a reduction of manual touchpoints. Global sales teams have direct access to local sales rates for pre- and on-carriage.
Calculations of sales rates are fully customisable by your pricing or procurement teams to ensure profit maximisation.

Our Impact in Numbers

Rouvia helps Freight Forwarders improve key metrics across the organisation
Increased gross margins per pre- & on-carriage
Increased Quote-Win Ratio
Enhanced Buying & Selling performance
Improved cost & quote control

Automated rate data management

As effortless as possible
Relying on employee experience for pre- and on-carriage transport decisions limits optimization. Rouvia unlocks this potential by centralizing scattered rate data from Excel, PDF, and other files, turning it into actionable insights.

Rate data management powered by AI

rouvia fully automates data extraction from diverse file types, eliminating the need for manual input. Enjoy seamless data ingestion with minimal failure rates, ensuring efficiency and accuracy.

Centralized rate data for smart insights

rouvia centralises and harmonises rate data from all pre- and on-carriage carriers, handling everything from base rates to surcharges, picks/drops or spot rates. Gain actionable insights with ease, regardless of data form or structure.

Reliable APIs for seamless integrations with your TMS

rouvia's flexible API/EDI capabilities ensure smooth integration with any TMS, RMS, or ERP system. Our automated and reliable data flows eliminate manual data transfers for efficient operations.

data-driven procurement optimisation

Cost-optimized buying decisions
Identifying the cost-optimised transport option for a single container pre- or on-carriage transport involves analysing over 30,000 data points. For dispatchers, this is impossible without advanced technology. Rouvia provides the necessary technological assistance for efficient decision-making.

Full transparency enabled by advanced technology

With rouvia, dispatchers gain full transparency of all transport options for every container in seconds, being it via different modes of transport, carriers or carrier combinations, terminals, as well as empty container depots.

Cost optimisation through data-driven decisions

rouvia integrates seamlessly into existing processes, enabling dispatchers to find the cheapest carriers or combinations effortlessly and embed cost-optimisation into daily operations

Enhanced performance & oversight

rouvia empowers dispatchers to gain full control of buying decisions through advanced data and technology, while team leads and managers gain better insights into their team's performance

Setting up future proof quotation processes

Quote more competitively and win more business
Quotation decisions today are often based on inaccurate and non-optimized buying rates. Additionally, global quotation processes are lengthy and inefficient, requiring manual inquiries of pre- and on-carriage rates from local teams. Optimize and streamline these processes with rouvia's highly efficient rate management.

Increase competitiveness and win more business

Synchronize sales rates with cost-optimized buying rates to quote more competitively while keeping your profitability stable. Gain full transparency on margins, ensuring your quotes avoid too low or negative margins.

Achieve 99.9% accuracy in quotation processes

Reduce failure rates with 100% accurate internal selling rates based on true and complete buying prices (incl. all relevant surcharges). Automatically calculate rates with adaptive logic tailored to trade lanes, customers, or trends.

Enhance speed and flexibility for global sales teams

Empower global sales teams to quote in under a minute with access to local internal selling prices. Streamline lengthy quotation processes and reduce the workload on buying or pricing teams.

Basics for strategic Rate management

As effortless as possible
Nowadays, the decision making process about which mode, which carrier or combination of carriers, and which route to use for a pre- and on-carriage transport is dependent on the employees experience and network. The potential to optimise these decisions through data remains locked away, due to the rate data being scattered in dozens of Excel, PDF, or other file types.
With rouvia, we unlock the power of rate data to take cost-optimised decisions and scale growth. Our system centralises all base rates, surcharges, and ancillary cost relevant for your pre- and on-carriage transports and turns the data into actionable insights.

Fact-based procurement optimisation

Cost-optimized buying decisions
Finding the cost-optimized transport option for a single containe pre- or on-carriage transport requires the consideration of at least 30.000 data points. In the daily operations of a dispatchers this is simply impossible without technological assistance.
Rouvia streamlines the calculation of all-in buying rates for every single pre- and on-carriage order. Dispatchers gain through rouvia a simple and user-friendly overview of all transport options available for an order and enables seamless comparability of the associated buying cost, enabling cost-optimized decisions.

Setting up future proof quotation processes

Quote more competitively and win more business
Quotation decisions today, are mostly based on inaccurate and not optimised buying rates. On top of that, global quotation processes are lengthy an inefficient, as global sales teams are required to manually inquire pre- and on-carriage rates from local teams.
Rouvia provides future proof quotation processes by giving global teams access to optimised local sales rates for pre- and on-carriage transports. The time to retrieve a quote is reduced to 15 seconds. At the same time, the competitiveness of quotes is increased with internal sales rates being up to 6% lower due to the synchronisation with cost-optimized buying rates.

From high complexity to simplified cost-optimization with rouvia

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